Patt Blue is an American photographer, southern born and bred. She was based in New York City for thirty years, from 1974 to 2004. She began photographing as a rural community social worker in upstate New York. Her work is aligned with the tradition of documentary and humanistic photographers of social conscience. Recent work incorporates images with writing on autobiographical transcendent themes.

Current Book Works in progress by BIG MAMA PRESS, include "Hungry Ghosts: On The Altar of Mortals", photographs of the 1978 New Orleans Mardi Gras coupled with prose poems by writer Thomas Wolfe. "Dis-Self Portraits: The Psyche of Trauma", self-portraits made from 1973-2019. "Torn Wing: An Elegy To Lost Childhood",photographs made on the New York City streets, with aphorisms, and "Walking Backwards: A Wife's Diary", a memoir with photographs as sequel to "Living On A Dream: A Marriage Tale", memoir with photographs published in 1998 by The University Press of Mississippi.

Patt Blue is an original founding member of the International Center of Photography Education Staff and Faculty in New York City. Later she taught in many universities including, Tenured Professor of Fine Arts at Kean University, and a Visiting Professor of Photography co-teaching “Universal Themes of Art, Literature and Life” at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

As a Life Magazine photographer in the 1980's, she contributed photo essays of social significance. They received recognition from multiple foundations, including The W. Eugene Smith Foundation runner up award, The Robert F. Kennedy Foundation, The Leica Medal of Excellence, and others. She is a three time MacDowell fellow, the recipient of a NEA fellowship and awarded three NYFA fellowships in photography.

Patt Blue lives in the New York Mid-Hudson River Valley.